
CASF Membership Benefits

CASF的会员是那些在南佛罗里达建筑商业博彩平台推荐聚集在一起,建立他们信任的网络. As a member of the Construction Association of South Florida, you will receive the following benefits:  

Online Membership Guide

贵公司将按字母顺序在我们的在线会员指南中列出多达六种商品和服务分类列表.  This is available to the membership, building departments, building owners and managers, developers, architects, engineers, purchasing agents, as well as, to the public and others in the building community upon request.  The director is a great tool for members to obtain referrals. 


CASF成员与其他成员公司开展业务是一种常见的做法.  As a member, 本会鼓励会员选购其他会员的产品和服务,以嘉许他们对本会的支持和致力“提升建筑质素”.“当接获有关建筑产品和服务的要求时,基金会积极提供会员的姓名。. 

Membership Identification

As a CASF member, you are entitled to display the attractive membership logo, 是什么证明你的公司是最古老和最受认可的协会之一.  这些标志贴花可以贴在公司的车辆、办公室、店面和安全帽上.  您还将提供各种尺寸的相机准备徽标,并鼓励在您的文具上使用它们, business cards, and all advertisements.

Networking Meetings

每月至少在迈阿密戴德举行一次专门的总承包商网络早餐, 布劳沃德县或棕榈滩县为会员提供建立网络的机会, 了解你所在的行业正在发生什么,以及你的公司如何竞标即将到来的项目.


会员的继续教育和专业发展是协会的首要任务.  Programs, seminars, forums, 工作坊的目的是教育您和您的员工在建筑和商业的许多领域.

由于佛罗里达州的立法规定,每个希望更新许可证的承包商每两年至少要获得14个学分的继续教育, CASF和佛罗里达大西洋大学合作,以合理的价格向成员承包商提供认可的课程.  Courses on OSHA job safety, bonds, lien law, code review, 全年都提供评估软件和其他软件,以帮助您获得必要的继续教育时间.

CASF还努力使其成员了解行业和商业世界的最新发展.  The Education Committee regularly schedules a variety of seminars, workshops, forums and other learning sessions for your improvement.  这些主题是相关的,信息丰富的,并为您开展业务提供宝贵的帮助.

Scholarship Award

CASF致力于南佛罗里达建筑界的持续卓越.  To promote greater professionalism in construction, CASF operates an annual scholarship Award program.  参加大学水平课程的学生有资格申请分配的资金,这些课程将导致建筑事业.  Over the past eighteen years, the Association has awarded over $500,在佛罗里达大学建筑与建筑学院和佛罗里达国际学院建筑管理系等学校就读的学生获得了1万美元的奖学金.

Community Relations

CASF的成员认识到组织参与我们当地博彩平台推荐的重要性.  While many members serve their communities in individual aspects, 协会已经筹集了资金,并捐赠了建筑产品和服务,以帮助整个南佛罗里达的人们.  在过去十年,基金已向下列机构提供超过100万元的资金、货品及服务:

  • ACE Mentor Program
  • American Cancer Society
  • Broward Center for the Blind
  • Broward Partnership for the Homeless, Inc.
  • Children’s Aid Club
  • Children's Opportunity Group
  • Cooperative Feeding Program
  • Florida Department of Children & Families
  • Florida Ocean Sciences Institute
  • 4KIDS of South Florida
  • Jack n' Jill Children's Center
  • Joe DiMaggio's Children's Hospital
  • Junior Achievement of South Florida
  • Kids in Distress
  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
  • Salvation Army Hurricane Relief
  • Sheridan House for Boys & Girls
  • SOS Children's Villages of Florida
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward & Dade
  • Taylor's Closet
  • United Way
  • Woodhouse
  • Women in Distress


Government Relations

成为博彩平台推荐会员的主要原因之一是能够与行业内的其他人共同努力,保护您在迈阿密-戴德的业务的未来, Broward and Palm Beach counties, as well as, the state of Florida. CASF的工作人员持续地代表每个成员监督县政府和州立法活动.  When issues affecting the construction business in South Florida emerge, 我们的县和州政府官员在制定或最终确定条例之前立即被告知我们的立场, regulations, and laws. 

To keep members current on governmental issues, 职员定期传真“行动提醒”,以处理需要职员注意及/或采取行动的紧急事项, such as calling or writing elected officials. 贵公司的CASF成员身份不仅能让你随时了解政府即将采取的行动, 但它也增加了你自己的立法影响力,因为CASF成员公司雇佣了超过35人,000 voters.  因此,这个数字将极大地影响你在政府中的影响力. 成员亦可加入CASF的政治行动委员会。, 哪些因素对政治候选人的竞选活动有帮助,这些候选人既能回应建造业的需要,又能资助对条例提出法律挑战, regulations and laws that need to be re-addressed.

Industry Relations

行业参与是CASF为解决影响行业的重要问题所做的最重要的事情之一.  必须以专业和富有成效的方式面对和处理建筑业日益增加的税收和监管. CASF与州和地方组织以及三县地区的政府部门密切合作.  Through our efforts, the industry is better served. CASF interacts on a regular basis with the following:

  • Florida Construction Coalition
  • Broward Construction Coalition
  • Community Small Business Enterprise Board of Miami-Dade
  • The Construction Industry Advisory Council of Miami-Dade County
  • The Construction Industry Management Council of Palm Beach County
  • 戴德、布劳沃德和棕榈滩县的建筑和许可部门
  • School Board of Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County
  • Airport Authority of Miami-Dade and Broward County
  • Port Authority of Miami- Dade and Broward County
  • Office of Natural Resource Protection of Broward County
  • 迈阿密-戴德,布劳沃德和棕榈滩的弱势企业部门
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Florida Power and Light Construction Departments
  • Southern Bell Construction Office
  • Board of Rules and Appeals in Dade and Broward County
  • Office of Unlicensed Activity, Enforcement and Education
  • Miami-Dade County Community Small Business Enterprise Program
  • Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation


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